How to Avoid Project Delays: Practical Tips and Tricks

2 min readOct 5, 2021


How can you know an outsource company will deliver your project on time? What causes project delays? Let’s consider the most common causes for delays during the collaboration with a software development company.

  • Poorly specified requirements often result in loss of development time and costs, low-quality project documentation, and eventually, a project failure.
  • Loss of the key project players can be solved by hiring the missing talents, or the team can share tasks among themselves, but all such rearrangements will take time.
  • When the software development company and client don’t communicate well, it can lead to delays.
  • Underestimated project complexity by both the developers and the product owner can be a reason for delays later on.

Here are some tips on what to do when a project gets delayed and effective ways to avoid project delays:

  • Solid project requirements that include information such as needed functionality, expectations on cost, examples of competitors with the same product, and deadlines are key to accurate project estimation.
  • Determine the scope of work that should be completed in a specific period.
  • Cooperate with an outsourcing company that uses the Agile approach.
  • During the project, your team should involve you in the development process to always be aware of the project progress, provide your feedback, and make changes if needed.
  • Manage a project with the use of special tools.
  • Tracking progress is essential to ensure a project is on its way to success.

We have briefly listed the most common reasons for delays and some brief tips on how to avoid project delays. By reading the How to Avoid Project Delays: Practical Tips and Tricks material on our blog, you can also learn how Onix prevents and deals with all those pain points and gets the projects done on time.




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