5 Mistakes Startups Should Avoid

3 min readMay 21, 2020

It is never easy to launch a startup business. There are so many things to consider, evaluate and decisions to make. What will happen if you don’t have a reliable plan to grow your small startup and step by step reach success with it? There is a high chance that as a new business owner, you might make several serious mistakes that would affect your business and not in the best way.⠀

There are five most common mistakes to avoid when you start your own business.

1. Skipping research

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is believing that their idea is unique and going out with a product or service without completing market needs research. And what if you are building or investing into something nobody really wants? Make sure you conduct in-depth market research to include all the important features before you launch your product. This will not only help you serve the thing that is demanded by the market consumers but also will help you correctly price and position the product based on the competition.

2. Working with the wrong team

Working with the right team that has got the technology and business expertise makes the startup move forward.

There’s a reason why top investors and venture capitalists put an emphasis on the team more than on the actual idea. Ideas change, and directions and markets pivot, but as long as you have the right team, the chances to succeed are much higher.

3. Going solo or with too many co-founders

Whether you are going to start your company alone or with a group of partners, it all depends on such factors as the nature of your business, how big it is going to be, the amount of investment you need, resources or infrastructure, and so on. One of the main reasons why entrepreneurs decide to go solo is the lack of confidence in others. Even if you have a great idea and the capability to do all the work yourself, you need a teammate to brainstorm with and help prevent wrong decisions, and to be your moral support at bad times.

4.Spending time on product development but not on sales

Maybe at the beginning, you can do everything on your own, from product development to marketing and sales. However, if you concentrate your efforts on product development instead of sales or marketing, you find your business standing where you began. Along with the production, it is equally important to make a marketing and sales plan for your products and study how you can achieve your sales goals.

5. Fear to fail

When you start a new project, there is always fear, anxiety, and tension. But if your goal is to succeed, you have to be prepared to take risks.

What can these five most common business startup mistakes teach all of us? They may drown your business if you disregard these risk factors.

What other typical startup mistakes do you know? Let us know.





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