Graphic design is a serious work that involves a lot of aspects, such as researching a company’s business and representing its brand message. Good graphic design balances text and images to show a clear message.
Any mistake in a design such as a logo, business card, website, brochure, etc. can even potentially damage the prospects of a company. This is because most of the consumers make buying decisions directly or indirectly on seeing a logo, brochure, website, blog, packaging, and other designs. These designs have colors, shapes, etc. elements that evoke some intended emotions from the consumers. For example, a casually designed logo may indicate the audience about the unprofessional approach of the company. But a well-thought-out graphic design can turn a company and its business into a trustworthy brand in the eyes of the target audience.
Here are some of the most common mistakes made in graphic design:
- Fonts boom. It happens when a designer uses a lot of fonts of different types, sizes, and colors, etc. It is always better to stick to minimalism with fonts since it adds continuity and strengthens brand identity.
- No proofreading. This one, especially when combined with the fonts issue, creates a deadly combo. The visual part of the design may be genius, but poor spelling and grammar will ruin everything.
- Colors boom. As with the fonts, a mishmash of the colors will surely attract attention but most likely in the wrong way leading to ineffective design.
- Neglecting versatility. When working on graphic design, especially when it comes to a logo, designers should ensure its multi-purpose. How does a design look in one color, full-color and black-and-white? How does it look on different backgrounds? Will it fit on something small but still be distinguishable?
High-quality design avoids mistakes to get the expected message across without confusion. Be patient and pay attention to details, and you’ll deliver projects that please clients every time.